import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist, squareform
from tqdm import tqdm
from fepops.fepops import GetFepopStatusCode
from ..fepops import OpenFEPOPS
[docs]class FepopsPersistentAbstractBaseClass(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Abstract base class for persistent fepops storage
New storage methods may be implemented as demonstrated in
or in by extending this abstract base class which
provides some required functionality like:
- save_descriptors(smiles: Union[str, Path, list[str]]) to save a smiles
file/list of smiles to the persistent storage
- get_cansmi_to_mol_dict_not_in_database(smiles: Union[str, Path, list[str]])
to retrieve a unique dictionary with canonical smiles as keys not already
stored in the database and rdkit mol objects as values.
When writing your own persistent storage methods, you must override the
following methods:
add_fepop(rdkit_canonical_smiles: str, fepops: np.ndarray)
Add the fepop to persistent storage. super().add_fepop may be called by the
overridden function to perform type checks on arguments.
fepop_exists(rdkit_canonical_smiles: str)
Return True if the canonical smiles is already in the database, and False if
not. super().fepop_exists may be called by the overridden function to
perform type checks on arguments.
get_fepops(rdkit_canonical_smiles: str)
Return a fepop from persistent storage. If it does not exist, then generate
it by calling self.fepops_object.get_fepops which is supplied by this base
class. super().get_fepops may be called by the overridden function to
perform type checks on arguments. With this function in place it allows
interface compatibility with a standard Fepops object.
Inheriting functions may also define __enter__ and __exit__ methods for use
with context handlers. If none are defined, then empty ones are provided.
This can be useful in doing things like writing out large files after
descriptor generation if incremental writes are not possible, like in the
case of the FepopsDBJSON child class.
database_file : Union[str, Path]
File to use for persistent storage.
kmeans_method : str, optional
Method which should be used for kmeans calculation by
fepops objects, can be one of "sklearn", "pytorchgpu",
or "pytorchcpu".
parallel : bool, optional
Run in parallel (using joblib), by default True
n_jobs : int, optional
Number of jobs to be spawned with joblib. If -1, then use
all available cores. By default -1
def _parallel_init_worker_get_cansmi_mol_tuple(smiles_is_rdkit_canonical: bool):
"""Static method for initialisation of smiles and mol tuple workers
smiles_is_rdkit_canonical : bool
If True, then the supplied SMILES are guaranteed to be canonical and
generated by RDKit
global sirdkc
sirdkc = smiles_is_rdkit_canonical
def _parallel_get_cansmi_tuple(m):
"""Static method for worker threads to get smiles and mol tuples
m : str
Molecule as a smiles string
tuple[str, rdkit.Chem.Mol]
Tuple containing an RDKit canonical SMILES string and the RDKit mol
constructed by it
global sirdkc
return FepopsPersistentAbstractBaseClass._get_can_smi_mol_tuple(
m, smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical=sirdkc
def _parallel_init_worker_desc_gen_shared_fepops_ob(fepops_object):
"""Static method for FEPOPS descriptor worker processes initialisation
fepops_object : OpenFEPOPS
Initialised OpenFEPOPS object which should be used to generate
global shared_fepops_ob
shared_fepops_ob = fepops_object
def _parallel_get_gen_fepops_descriptors(m):
"""Static method for worker processes to generate FEPOPS descriptors
m : _type_
global shared_fepops_ob
return m[0], shared_fepops_ob.get_fepops(m[1])
def __init__(
database_file: Union[str, Path],
kmeans_method: str = "sklearn",
parallel: bool = True,
n_jobs: int = -1,
"""FepopsPersistentABC constructor for storing initialisation parameters
database_file : Union[str, Path]
Location of the database file as a string or Path object
kmeans_method : str, optional
Method to use for calculation of FEPOPS, by default "sklearn"
parallel : bool, optional
If calculations should be done making use of multiple CPU cores, by
default True
n_jobs : int, optional
Number of worker processes to spawn. If -1, then the optimum is
detected automatically, by default -1
self.database_file = Path(database_file)
self.openfepops_object = OpenFEPOPS(kmeans_method=kmeans_method)
self.parallel = parallel
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
[docs] def save_descriptors(
smiles: Union[str, Path, list[str]],
add_failures_to_database: bool = True,
smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical: bool = False,
fepops_object_constructor_kwargs: dict = {},
"""Pregenerate FEPOPS descriptors for a set of SMILES strings
smiles : Union[str, Path, list[str]]
String containing the path to a SMILES file which should be read in
and have each molecule with in added to the database
add_failures_to_database: bool
If True, then a record is kept in the database for SMILES which
were problematic and FEPOPS descriptor generation failed for, by
default True
smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical : bool
If True, then the supplied SMILES are guaranteed to be canonical
SMILES generated by RDKit which allows skipping of a sanitisation
step, by default False
fepops_object_constructor_kwargs: dict
Dictionary of kwargs which will be passed to the FEPOPS object upon
initialisation, by default {}
canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict = self.get_cansmi_to_mol_dict_not_in_database(
smiles, smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical=smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical
if len(canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict) == 0:
print("Nothing to add to database")
if not self.parallel:
for rdkit_canonical_smiles, mol in tqdm(
canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict.items(), desc="Generating fepops"
status, fepops_array = self.openfepops_object.get_fepops(mol)
if status == GetFepopStatusCode.SUCCESS or add_failures_to_database:
self.add_fepop(rdkit_canonical_smiles, fepops_array)
f"Added {len(canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict)} new molecues to the database ({self.database_file})"
else: # Do it in parallel
n_successes = 0
n_failures = 0
for rdkit_canonical_smiles, (status, new_fepop) in tqdm(
# processes=min(len(canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict), mp.cpu_count()),
desc="Generating descriptors (parallel)",
if status == GetFepopStatusCode.SUCCESS:
n_successes += 1
n_failures += 1
if status == GetFepopStatusCode.SUCCESS or add_failures_to_database:
self.add_fepop(rdkit_canonical_smiles, new_fepop)
f"Successfully added {n_successes} new molecues to the database ({self.database_file}), {n_failures} failed"
[docs] @abstractmethod
def add_fepop(self, rdkit_canonical_smiles: str, fepops: np.ndarray):
"""Add canonical smiles and fepop to database. Must be overridden
This abstractmethod must be overridden by the inheriting object, but
provides some functionality for sanity checking input and may be called
by the inheriting class.
if not isinstance(rdkit_canonical_smiles, str):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected an rdkit canonical smiles string, but a {type(rdkit_canonical_smiles)} was passed"
if not isinstance(fepops, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError(f"Expected a fepop, but a {type(fepops)} was passed")
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_fepops(
self, smiles: Union[str, Chem.rdchem.Mol, np.ndarray], is_canonical: bool = True
) -> None:
"""Get a FEPOP from the database using its SMILES. Must be overridden
This abstractmethod must be overridden by the inheriting object, but
provides some functionality for sanity checking input and may be called
by the inheriting class.
smiles : Union[str, Chem.rdchem.Mol, np.ndarray]
is_canonical : bool, optional
If True, then the supplied SMILES are guaranteed to be canonical
SMILES generated by RDKit which allows skipping of a sanitisation
step, by default True
if not isinstance(smiles, (str, Chem.rdchem.Mol, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected an rdkit canonical smiles string, rdkit mol, or a numpy array of descriptors but a {type(smiles)} was passed: {smiles}"
[docs] @abstractmethod
def fepop_exists(self, rdkit_canonical_smiles: str) -> bool:
"""Return True if canonical smiles already exist in the database
This abstractmethod must be overridden by the inheriting object, but
provides some functionality for sanity checking input and may be called
by the inheriting class.
if not isinstance(rdkit_canonical_smiles, str):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected an rdkit canonical smiles string, but a {type(rdkit_canonical_smiles)} was passed"
def _get_can_smi_mol_tuple(s: str, smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical: bool = False):
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s)
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s, sanitize=False)
mol = None
if mol is None:
f"Could not parse smiles to a valid molecule, smiles was: {s}"
return (s, mol)
if smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical:
return (s, mol)
return (Chem.MolToSmiles(mol), mol)
[docs] def get_cansmi_to_mol_dict_not_in_database(
smiles: Union[str, Path, list[str]],
smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical: bool = False,
"""Get smiles to mol dict for smiles not in the database
smiles : Union[str, Path, list[str]]
If a string is passed, then it is assumed to be a file path of
SMILES file and this file is loaded for processing. Similarly, Path
objects are assumed to point at SMILES files for processing. If
passing smiles strings to this function, the wrap the string in a
list (making a list containing only one element), or provide large
multi-SMILES lists which will be operated upon directly
smiles_guaranteed_rdkit_canonical : bool, optional
If the supplied SMILES are canonical RDKit-generated SMILES, then
regeneration of these SMILES strings for uniquification and database
lookup may be skipped, by default False
Dictionary with SMILES as keys and RDKit molecules as the values for
molecules not present in the current database
if isinstance(smiles, str):
smiles = Path(smiles)
if isinstance(smiles, Path):
if smiles.exists():
smiles = [
s.strip() for s in open(smiles).readlines() if len(s.strip()) > 0
raise ValueError(
f"smiles file ({smiles}) not found. If you are passing smiles, place it into a list first"
if not isinstance(smiles, list):
raise ValueError(
"smiles should be a str or Path denoting the location of a smiles file, or a list of smiles"
smiles = list(set(smiles))
print(f"Got {len(smiles)} unique SMILES strings")
if not self.parallel:
# Ensure unique (canonical, also storing intermediate mol)
canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict = dict(
for s in tqdm(smiles, desc="Uniquifying input smiles (non-parallel)")
tmp_res_list = []
# Ensure unique (canonical, also storing intermediate mol)
for res in tqdm(
processes=max(1, min(len(smiles) / 50, mp.cpu_count())),
).map(self._parallel_get_cansmi_tuple, smiles, chunksize=1),
desc="Uniquifying input smiles (parallel)",
canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict = dict(tmp_res_list)
del tmp_res_list
# Make sure none are already in the database
canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict = {
cansmi: mol
for cansmi, mol in tqdm(
desc="Checking if mols already exist in the database",
if not self.fepop_exists(cansmi)
f"Got {len(canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict)} unique molecules not already in the database"
return canonical_smiles_to_mol_dict
[docs] def calc_similarity(
fepops_features_1: Union[np.ndarray, str, None],
fepops_features_2: Union[np.ndarray, str, None],
"""Calculate FEPOPS similarity
A static method for calculating molecular similarity based on their FEPOPS descriptors.
fepops_features_1 : Union[np.ndarray, str, None]
A Numpy array containing the FEPOPS descriptors of the query molecule
or a smiles string from which to generate FEPOPS descriptors for the
query molecule.
fepops_features_2 : Union[np.ndarray, str, None, list[np.ndarray, str, None]]
A Numpy array containing the FEPOPS descriptors of the candidate
molecule or a smiles string from which to generate FEPOPS descriptors
for the candidate molecule. Can also be None, in which case, np.nan is
returned as a score, or a list of any of these. If it is a list,
then a list of scores against the single candidate is returned.
Fepops similarity between two molecules
if fepops_features_1 is None:
return np.nan
if isinstance(fepops_features_1, (str, Chem.rdchem.Mol)):
status, fepops_features_1 = self.get_fepops(
fepops_features_1, is_canonical=is_canonical
if status != GetFepopStatusCode.SUCCESS:
return np.nan
if isinstance(fepops_features_2, list):
new_fepops_features_2 = []
for item in fepops_features_2:
status, fpop = self.get_fepops(item, is_canonical=is_canonical)
fpop if status == GetFepopStatusCode.SUCCESS else None
return self.openfepops_object.calc_similarity(
fepops_features_1, new_fepops_features_2
if isinstance(fepops_features_2, (str, Chem.rdchem.Mol)):
status, fepops_features_2 = self.get_fepops(
fepops_features_2, is_canonical=is_canonical
if status != GetFepopStatusCode.SUCCESS:
return np.nan
if any(x is None for x in (fepops_features_1, fepops_features_2)):
return np.nan
score = self.openfepops_object.calc_similarity(
fepops_features_1, fepops_features_2
return score if score is not None else np.nan
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):