import bz2
import json
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from .fepops_persistent_abc import FepopsPersistentAbstractBaseClass
[docs]class FepopsDBJSON(FepopsPersistentAbstractBaseClass):
"""FepopsDBJSON - allows reading and writing to a simple JSON style cache"""
def __init__(
database_file: Union[str, Path],
kmeans_method: str = "sklearn",
parallel: bool = True,
n_jobs: int = -1,
"""FepopsDBJSON constructor
Allows reading and writing to a JSON file in place of a database/cache
database_file : Union[str, Path]
Filename as a Path or string denoting where the file is, or should
be created
kmeans_method : str, optional
KMeans method which should be used by the OpenFEPOPS object, by
default "sklearn"
parallel : bool, optional
Run in parallel (using joblib), by default True
n_jobs : int, optional
Number of jobs to be spawned with joblib. If -1, then use
all available cores. By default -1
if not self.database_file.parent.exists():
if self.database_file.exists():
self.db = json.load(open(self.database_file, "r"))
self.db = {}
self._db_changed = False
self._was_written = False
[docs] def add_fepop(self, rdkit_canonical_smiles: str, fepops: Union[np.ndarray, None]):
"""Add a FEPOP to the database using the supplied SMILES as a key
rdkit_canonical_smiles : str
Canonical SMILES string generated by RDKit which represents the
molecule used to generate the FEPOPS
fepops : Union[np.ndarray, None]
Array containing calculated FEPOPS descriptors. If None, then None
is stored in the database, which is useful for indicating that the
canonical SMILES supplied did not succeed in generating a molecule
and subsequent FEPOPS. Marking these difficult SMILES in the
database means they can be checked and ignored without further time
being spent to regenerate them again.
if fepops is None:
fepops = np.array([np.NaN])
super().add_fepop(rdkit_canonical_smiles=rdkit_canonical_smiles, fepops=fepops)
if not self.fepop_exists(rdkit_canonical_smiles=rdkit_canonical_smiles):
self.db[rdkit_canonical_smiles] = b64encode(
self._db_changed = True
[docs] def get_fepops(
self, smiles: str, is_canonical: bool = False
) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
"""Get FEPOPS from the database for a given SMILES
smiles : str
The SMILES string of the molecule
is_canonical : bool, optional
If True, then we guarantee that the SMILES string supplied is
canonical and generated by RDKit and in which case, we may skip a
cleaning step, by default False
Union[np.ndarray, None]
Returns an array representing the retrieved FEPOPS, or None if None
was stored in the database under the supplied SMILES key
if not is_canonical:
smiles, mol = self._get_can_smi_mol_tuple(smiles)
if self.fepop_exists(rdkit_canonical_smiles=smiles):
res = np.frombuffer(bz2.decompress(b64decode(self.db[smiles].encode())))
if np.isnan(res).any():
return None
return res.reshape(
* self.openfepops_object.num_features_per_fepop,
new_fepops = self.openfepops_object.get_fepops(mol)
self.add_fepop(rdkit_canonical_smiles=smiles, fepops=new_fepops)
return new_fepops
[docs] def fepop_exists(self, rdkit_canonical_smiles: str) -> bool:
"""Check if Fepop exists in the database
If the fepops object was constructed with a database file, then
query if the supplied canonical SMILES is included. If no database
is present, then False is returned, as if it is not included.
rdkit_canonical_smiles : str
Canonical smiles to check
True if the canonical smiles exists in the database
return rdkit_canonical_smiles in self.db
[docs] def write(self):
"""Write any changes to the database/cache to the original file"""
if self._db_changed:
json.dump(self.db, open(self.database_file, "w"))
self._was_written = True
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __del__(self):
if self._db_changed and not self._was_written:
"New fepops were added but changes were not written. Either call .write() or use FepopsDBJSON in a context, like with FepopsDBJSON() as fepops_jsondb..."